Houghton Village Hall
The Green, Houghton, CA3 0NF
Booking Secretary -07746 994 209

Clubs and Organisations

1st Houghton Rainbows

Rainbows are the youngest members of Girlguiding, the leading charity for girls and young women in the UK, with over 500,000 members and 100,00 volunteers.

1st Houghton Rainbows

Farmers Market

Houghton Village Hall Farmers Market 2nd Saturday of the month 9am-1pm

Farmers Market

Music Makers

Music Makers has been at Houghton Village Hall for over 10 years providing music, singing and dancing for babies from 6 months old until they go to school.

Music Makers

Houghton Flower Guild

Houghton Flower Guild meets on the second Thursday of the month at Houghton Village Hall.

Houghton Flower Guild

Solway Radio Club

The SOLWAY AMATEUR RADIO GROUP is open to ALL Licensed Radio Amateurs, Short Wave Listeners etc, we meet monthly here at Houghton Village Hall, CA3 0NF

Solway Radio Club

The Houghton Evergreens

We are a friendly chatty group for those over 60 living in Houghton or the surrounding area. Meetings are in Thursdays 1.30 - 3.30 pm. No annual enrolment fee. Weekly attendance fee of £2.50. Activities include Guest speaker, Bingo, Dominoes,Cards and Social trips. Come along and make new friends! You will be made very welcome! For further information please contact Bill Webber 07377475088


Hello everyone. I'm Lyndsey. I've been teaching Pilates for over 20 years. Pilates strengthens the core and the spine. It can also help rehabilitate back injuries. The class runs on Wednesdays 12.30-1.30pm This class is suitable for complete beginners and the more experienced. I can modify all exercises tailored to individual abilities ,injuries and medical history. It is a friendly group and you will be made most welcome! If you would like more information please visit my website at www.lyndseyspilates.com , Facebook @LyndseysPilates and Yoga or telephone me on 07853156019 Come and give it a try!


Mums and Toddlers Group

Hello everyone. This is a great Mums and toddlers group. Suitable from babies up to school age children. We have a cupboard full of toys, plenty to keep them all entertained. It runs weekly on Tuesdays 10.30am -12 during term-time . It is a great opportunity for social interaction between the children and of course fun! It is all inclusive and if you are not Mum but Dad , Grandma or Grandad you will be made most welcome. The weekly charge is £2 per family and 50p for every additional child. Do come and give it a go! If you would like more information please contact Toni on 07854611692 or Jayme Lea on 07890797178

Mums and Toddlers Group

Houghton Indoor Bowls Club

This long established group meets on Fridays from September to April at afternoon and evening sessions. This site update is in progress more information will be coming soon! Contact details to follow Please contact the Booking secretary Gill Hewitt for further information at this time.

The Magic Cirlce

The Cumbrian Magic Circle is a small friendly society where people can share and develop an interest in magic, conjuring and the allied arts. Membership is open to anyone, normally over 16 years old, with a genuine interest in magic. The group meet once a month between September and July. To join you don’t have to have achieved a high technical standard or a professional level of performance. As a club we are interested in having members committed to developing and improving all aspects of their magic performance. Meetings are hosted by a different member each month. There is usually a theme based around a particular form of magic, for example coins or cards. All members are encouraged to perform an effect if possible. There is frequent discussion, instruction and advice available if wanted. There is always the opportunity to try out an effect in a friendly and supportive atmosphere. From time to time we host a visiting lecturer and perform at outside events. Membership enquiries and further information from: stuart.bowie1@btinternet.com - www.facebook.com/groups/thecumbrianmagiccircle

The Magic Cirlce

NWR The National Womens Register

Details coming soon.